E. Fratto-Rosi-Grippando; L. Rufo, Data Privacy in Volcanic Hazard Scenarios, in EGU 2024


This paper aims to analyse the use of artificial intelligence tools to implement an active contact tracing system for individuals living in at-risk territories. Thus, not only a ‘state of alert’ communication system, but a ‘contact tracing’ system similar to that used in some States during the SARS pandemic COVID-19. From a legal point of view, it is necessary to balance the right to privacy with the right to health/right to life. In this perspective, the necessary prerequisites will be analysed: state regulation, rigorously proportionate and, furthermore, the security of the data. This must be placed on a server that is strictly publicly owned and managed, to prevent tracing being used as a bargaining chip, and ensure that the personal data collected by the platform or application are only those necessary to warn users of the danger and are not used for any other purpose, without prejudice to the possibility of using them in aggregate or in any case anonymous form, for statistical or scientific research purposes only.


E. Fratto-Rosi-Grippaudo; L. Rufo, Data privacy in volcanic hazard scenarios

E. Fratto-Rosi-Grippaudo; L. Rufo, Data privacy in volcanic hazard scenarios

How to cite: Fratto Rosi Grippaudo, E. and Rufo, L.: Data privacy in volcanic hazard scenarios, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-22382.

https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-22382, 2024.

EGU General Assembly 2024

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