G. Iacovone, Programming as Part of Risk and Emergency Governance, in EGU 2023


Administration appropriateness within the government of risk and emergency, and hence in its full application of precautionary model requires a preliminary thought about the precaution and prevention criteria that play a fundamental role according to a complementary relational dynamic that presupposes a coordination between parties, including private ones, especially in order to gain an adequate acquisition of essential scientific and technical knowledge that is an indefectible prerequisite for the preparation of measures and procedures adequate with respect to the purpose. There are two profiles involved in this theme, namely one of a general type, relating precisely to the approach one has with regards and weighting of risk, and yet quite of a punctual and operational nature relating to the taking of the single precautionary measure and related relationship between technique and law and the quest, on the part of the latter, for a datum of certainty that the former often fails to offer. In this regard, it seems interesting to note that a very clear message comes from Europe when it states that it is generally recognized that, in some cases, scientific risk evaluation alone cannot provide all the necessary information on which a risk management decision should be based, and that it is legitimate to consider other relevant factors, including social, economic, traditional, ethical, and environmental aspects. A vision of the exceptional event that in the correct assessment of the dimension of risk could not disregard the consideration of the moments prior to its occurrence, that is, in consideration of a flexible programmatic and regulatory template capable of building a fully functional institutional and infrastructural system that would make it possible to guarantee the management of the consequences of the occurrence of the exceptional event with the parameters and guarantees of ordinariness, avoiding the encroachment, or rather the abuse, of exceptional instruments. The paper will focus on the need to adopt models of programming and planning based on the application of a genuine strategic method that, starting from the configuration of cognitive frameworks capable of making in-depth risk prospecting, orient and direct decisions and actions to the pursuit of prevention objectives, providing mechanisms for detecting the impacts of spatial choices and for monitoring and evaluation in order to move away from emergency crisis containment objectives and toward a structural, systemic and long-term approach to vulnerabilities that focuses on forecasting, prevention and preparedness.

How to cite: 

Iacovone, G.: Programming as part of risk and emergency governance, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15070, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-15070, 2023.

EGU General Assembly, 2023

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